Rush The Spizzwinks(?)
You've decided you want to rush the Spizzwinks(?)! If you have received a callback, congratulations! Here you'll find every resource you'll need. (Except your beautiful singing voice. That's on you!)

Meet the Rush Managers!

John Raskopf (Pierson '27)
(646) 708-6111
Voice Part: Baritone
Hometown: Darien, CT
Favorite Tour Spot: Morocco
Tabatha Stewart (Pierson '26)
(707) 892-3964
Voice Part: Tenor II
Hometown: Healdsburg, CA
Favorite Tour Spot: Quito, Ecuador
Gbemiga Salu (Stiles '27)
(857) 265-4770
Voice Part: Tenor II
Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria
Favorite Tour Spot: Seoul, South Korea
Abril Tello Cornejo (Murray '27)
(571) 665-1521
Voice Part: Tenor I
Hometown: Fairfax, VA
Favorite Tour Spot: İstanbul, Türkiye

What to Expect for Callbacks

Who:  You!
Where: Jonathan Edwards College, Curtis Curtiss Library
When: Arrive 10 minutes before your callback slot
What: We'll warm you up with a few more vocal exercises. Next, you'll sing another solo of your choice (one verse and one chorus is fine!) This is your chance to be in the spotlight, so choose a song that you love and one that really shows off your voice. Most importantly, have fun with it! We’ve heard just about anything you can imagine, so have no shame and give it your very best. You will also sing your assigned Spizzwinks(?) solo with us!
Finally, you’ll sing one of the parts to “Loch Lomond” with the Spizzwinks(?). You can find the sheet music and some learning tracks to help you out below.

Sheet Music and Learning Tracks

Email us at!
Loch Lomond

Questions? Want to sign up for an audition?

Email us at!
Get in Touch!


Remember, we all want you to be terrific. Believe in yourself, put on your game face, and blow us away. The Spizzwinks(?) want you.
Before showing up to your audition, warm yourself up! Limber up your chest voice, test that falsetto, and rock out on your solo to make sure you’re really comfortable with everything.
Take good care of your voice in the days leading up to your audition. Drink plenty of water, get lots of sleep, and try not to wear out your voice too much during the start-of-year fun!
Practice your music and familiarize yourself with one of the parts. If you can, try to find three other singers and practice in a quartet.
Relax. Auditions are always nervewracking, but rest assured – we’re all rooting for you. Just take it easy and enjoy yourself!


August 31st
8:00-9:30 PM
Woolsey Jam – Woolsey Hall
Hear a song from each of Yale's 17 acappella groups!
September 2nd
7:30 PM
Marsh Jam & Audition Signup – Marsh Lecture Hall
Stop by to hear each group, then sign up for auditions!
September 5th-8th
Auditions – Jonathan Edwards College, Curtis Curtiss Library
Head to JE at your time slot! Don't forget to prep and bring water!
Week of September 8th
Rush Meals
A chance for you to meet us, and for us to meet you!
September 13th
8:45 PM
Singing Dessert – Sudler Hall, WLH
Our chance to sing! We’ll perform a full concert so you can hear our rep.
September 14th-15th
Callbacks – JE
It's simple--we want you back! Come and sing your second selection for us!
September 18th
10:30 PM
Tap Night!
Yale's a cappella groups descend upon Old Campus to welcome their newest members!


We know it’s easy to get lost when you’re not familiar with campus yet – trust us, we were there. Here’s a map indicating all of the locations that you’ll be visiting while you rush the Spizzwinks(?). Lost anyway? Call one of our rush managers!

Hope to see you at auditions!
Good luck!