Founded in 2002, the Yale Spizzwinks(?) Alumni Association provides a home for decades of Spizzwinks who still haven’t had enough music. In addition to organizing formal and informal alumni gatherings, YS(?)AA takes an active role working with the Spizzwink undergraduates to support musical outreach in New Haven and around the world. YS(?)AA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, incorporated in the state of Connecticut.
Log in to the YS(?)AA dashboard for complete access to see the latest announcements, check your membership status, pay dues, and explore the complete Spizzwink digital archives.
YS(?)AA contributions support our ongoing operations, including the Outreach initiatives that put the Spizzwinks(?) in close contact with under-privileged youth in New Haven, and around the world.
As of 2016, the YS(?)AA fiscal year matches the calendar year (January – December).