Meet the 'Winks of 2024!
Charlie Stephenson '25
Lexington, KY
Charlie travelled outside the United States for the first time with the ‘Winks. Most of the countries we visited would have him back. Others? Let’s just say MIKA felt threatened by his rendition of Grace Kelly.
Xari Carbins '26
Richton Park, IL
Xari’s Halloween costumes go hard. Last Halloween she dressed up as the house from Up. We haven’t seen her since.
Gbemiga Salu '27
Lagos, Nigeria
Gbemiga likes to give speeches at inopportune times. To address this, we’ve begun packing a soap box on tour.
Daniel Wu '26
Los Altos, CA
Daniel loves the do-dos and bums of the group. He also sings the bass parts beautifully.
Elijah Lee '26
Villanova, PA
Elijah came into rehearsal last week and told us he’d invented three new numbers on his engineering exam. We’re not sure whether it went well or poorly.
Clark Wu '27
Shanghai, China
Clark scares VERY easily. We tried to approach him about it, but he screamed and ran away.
Tavian Jones '26
McLean, VA
Tavian kinda resembles Bigfoot, if Bigfoot cleaned up nice, was pre-med and sang with the voice of an angel. Maybe siblings don’t always look alike…
Eshaan Giri '27
Omaha, NE
If I had a nickel for each Giri in the Yale Spizzwinks(?), I'd have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
Giri Viswanathan '25
Pittsburgh, PA
I like nickels.
Abril Tello Cornejo '27
Fairfax, VA
Standing at a towering 5’4”, Abril tends to get lost in large crowds. We can’t yet tell if this is intentional.
Adam McPhail '25
Rochester, MN
On tour, Adam seeks out the surrealist art exhibition he read about in the New York Review of Books. Luckily, in rehearsal, he is an unwavering realist.
Eduardo Pagliaro-Haque '24+1
Hamden, CT
Eduardo’s height is notable. Legend has it he was trying to audition for the basketball team but got lost and walked into Spizzwinks’ tryouts.
Thomas Lowe '25
Washington D.C.
Thomas addresses his mom as “mother.” Now there’s nothing wrong with that, but you have to admit it’s a little strange.
Jiayang Jin '27
New York, NY
When faced with his devious smirk, one can never truly tell whether Jiayang is severely judging you, or attempting to flirt with you.
Eason Rytter '27
New York, NY
He yelled “Suck my b*lls” at a naked Jennifer Lawrence in a movie once. He doesn’t like to talk about it.
Tabatha Stewart '26
Healdsburg, CA
Tabatha is always telling us a story. That’s great and all, but it’d be helpful if she recapped the beginning; we still don’t know how it started.
John Raskopf '27
Darien. CT
John likes music. Like, a lot. He’s currently in seven musical groups on campus. We asked for a list, but said he’d get back to us after rehearsal.

Recent Alumni
Jake Latts '23+2
Louisville, KY
After the 'Winks, Jake worked on a LOT of musicals. He also works in the music library and became the assistant musical director of the Whiffenpoofs.

Likes: The Brands (TM), Ben Platt, half-baked puns, half-baked baked goods.
Will Salaverry '22+2
Fairfax, CA
Was a BASS
After the ‘Winks, Will left to work with Disability Empowerment for Yale (DEFY). Then, he missed a cappella, and was the Business Manager of the all-senior Whiffenpoofs. He also wants to be a teacher… poor kids.

Likes: English, Spanish, talking about the Bay Area.
Adrian Venzon '23+1
Las Vegas, NV
Was a BASS
After the ‘Winks, Adrian was President of Kasama, Yale’s Filipino students organization, and he thought long and hard about whether to do more a cappella, but then he realized that if he joined the Whiffenpoofs, he could be Will’s section leader. His decision was made.

Likes: Animal Crossing, teaching, bidets.
Brendan Rose '21+1
Los Angeles, CA
After the ‘Winks, Brenden stuck around to do research in RNA and gene expression at the Yale School of Medicine, or so he says…

Likes: Chess, dogs, facial hair both because of and despite the feedback of others.
Sebastian Li '24+1
Hangzhou, China
Was a BASS
After the 'Winks, Sebastian went on to sing bass for the Whiffenpoofs. He also recently became a naturalized American citizen, after being inspired by his own rendition of "Chicken Fried".

Likes: Map games, scooters, chicken, fries, fried chicken.
Liam Richardson '24+1
Phoenix, AZ
Was a BASS
After the 'Winks, Liam missed being business manager so much that he became business manager of the Whiffenpoofs. He's lived all over the world, so he's the perfect person to lead them on their world tour. Liam is also 6'4".

Likes: money, fantasy football, the Frontier Discount Den
Emmett Solomon '23+1
New York, NY
After the 'Winks, Emmett went on to be a member of the Singing Group Council. He is also finishing his architecture major.

Likes: Brad Rosen, Jonathan Edwards, verbosity